Tokai-mura Issue information details

  Weather information (Advisory/warning) Evacuation issue status [See details] Establishment of evacuation center
[See details]
[See details]
(Subject/type) Emergency Safety Measures Evacuation Instruction Evacuation of the Elderly, Etc.
Number of households 0 0 0 0
  • Information available
Number of people 0 0 0


Click here for automated translation of warnings and advisories[G]

2024年09月23日 10:10
    水戸地方気象台 発表


【継続】強風注意報 波浪注意報

        茨城県 水戸地方気象台 共同発表


Information on evacuation currently being ordered

If evacuation information has been issued in the area in which you are staying, please ensure your safety by referring to the following.

Evacuation preparation
There is possibility that a disaster may occur in the subject areas. (An evacuation advice or order may be issued in the future.)
Please use the television, radio, internet, etc., and pay attention to the latest weather information or guidance from the municipality for your protection.
(Click here for the disaster manual)
In the case that you do not know the location of the evacuation center, please confirm with the municipality in which you are staying, and evacuate quickly.

Evacuation advise
There is increased possibility that a disaster may occur in the subject areas.
Please evacuate to an evacuation center for your protection.

Evacuation order
Please evacuate quickly to the evacuation center if you are staying in the subject area.

Information unavailable

Lifted evacuation orders/advises

Date and time lifted Subject area Type Number of households Number of people
2019/10/13 11:00 亀下区 Evacuation Instruction 202 Household 508 People
2019/10/13 11:00 竹瓦区 Evacuation Instruction 85 Household 200 People
2019/10/13 11:00 外宿二区 Evacuation Instruction 191 Household 477 People
2019/10/13 11:00 豊岡区 Evacuation Instruction 121 Household 276 People
2019/10/13 06:00 宿区 Evacuation advise 388 Household 766 People
2019/10/13 06:00 川根区 Evacuation advise 173 Household 410 People

Establishment status of evacuation center

Name Address Date and time of establishment Date and time of closing Number of evacuees Facility status
中丸コミュニティセンター 東海村須和間345-1 2024/08/16 11:00 2024/08/17 06:10 0   People
白方コミュニティセンター 東海村白方2077 2024/08/16 11:00 2024/08/17 05:35 0   People
中丸コミュニティセンター 東海村須和間345-1 2023/09/08 17:47 2023/09/09 08:18 0   People
石神コミュニティセンター 東海村石神内宿1609 2023/09/08 18:44 2023/09/09 08:16 0   People
白方コミュニティセンター 東海村白方2077 2023/09/08 18:45 2023/09/09 07:00 0   People
石神コミュニティセンター 東海村石神内宿1609 2019/10/12 09:00 2019/10/13 11:00 0   People
東海村立白方小学校 東海村白方2009 2019/10/13 04:46 2019/10/13 11:00 0   People
白方コミュニティセンター 東海村白方2077 2019/10/12 09:00 2019/10/13 11:00 0   People
村松コミュニティセンター 東海村村松3370-4 2019/10/12 09:00 2019/10/13 08:00 0   People
真崎コミュニティセンター 東海村村松835-1 2019/10/12 09:00 2019/10/13 08:00 0   People
中丸コミュニティセンター 東海村須和間345-1 2019/10/12 09:00 2019/10/13 08:00 0   People
舟石川コミュニティセンター 東海村舟石川158-1 2019/10/12 09:00 2019/10/13 08:00 0   People
石神コミュニティセンター 東海村石神内宿1609 2019/09/08 18:00 2019/09/09 11:37 0   People
村松コミュニティセンター 東海村村松3370-4 2019/09/08 18:00 2019/09/09 11:37 0   People
白方コミュニティセンター 那珂郡東海村白方2077 2018/09/30 17:00 2018/10/01 08:25 0   People
中丸コミュニティセンター 那珂郡東海村須和間345 2018/09/30 17:00 2018/10/01 08:25 0   People
白方コミュニティセンター 那珂郡東海村白方2077 2018/08/08 15:00 2018/08/09 11:34 0   People
中丸コミュニティセンター 那珂郡東海村須和間345 2018/08/08 15:00 2018/08/09 11:34 0   People

Damage information▶ Disclaimer

(2024/08/16 20:54)
Human injury Residence damages (No. of houses)
Deaths Missing Serious injury victims Minor injury victims Complete destruction Partial destruction
0 People 0 People 0 People 0 People 0 Building 0 Building
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